BYOND Version:500
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Internet Explorer 10.0
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
I am working on my Isometric project and I just noticed that there are what appears to be diagonal scan lines that go along the map from SW to NE. They are mainly only noticeable if you have a large object or are near the edge of the map, but they cause the icons to appear like they have invisible lines through them.

I noticed that as the map expands the lines are much more visible.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
icon_size = 64
map_format = ISOMETRIC_MAP

icon = 'floor.dmi'

icon = 'player.dmi'
bound_width = 42
bound_height = 42

Expected Results:

Actual Results:

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?

In other games?
Not that I am aware of
In other user accounts?
On other computers?

When does the problem NOT occur?

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

The last version I was messing around with isometric format in was the version just before 500.

The way sprites are positioned on the map hasn't changed, so I have serious doubts this could be a new issue to 500. The DirectX code had some changes, but mostly just for the new features and nothing that should have impacted this. Can you post some screenshots from both versions for comparison?

Usually when people see seams in isometric it's because they've used a bogus icon size, one whose width isn't a multiple of 4. That doesn't appear to be the case in your code.
I've been trying to get a gif of it, when I did one the lines do not show up, but the lines are only visible if you are moving. It is as if you can see the invisible grid underneath the items or because of the turfs interacting with the objs. I originally had a map size of like 400 (16*25) x 225 (9*25) for the aspect ratio which I could see this happening very easily. However, if I change the map in the interface to something like 860x660 it is not as noticeable but it is still present. It does not happen on turfs, but rather on objs that are 64x64 and overlap a nearby tile.

This is one of the gifs I got yesterday:

You are unable to see the specific error, but it is happening on the light brown "wall" type obj and then also on shadows or the edge of the map. It looks as if the pixels are being extruded one or two with a certain gap so It makes it appear as if there is an invisible line that runs through the obj.
You can see what I am talking about on the shadows that are produced by the walls, if you look at the edges where they meet the tiles the shadow looks "perforated" like a knife.
That's not a scan line. That's because your map is set to stretch to fit.
I'm not seeing any issue in that .gif. It looks fine to me, so the effect must be more subtle than that.
I should add I do see a problem in your grass icon that could be related. The grass tiles don't form a straight edge even on the near side, which sets off some alarm bells. Are you certain there aren't flaws in the icons themselves leading to any artifacting?
What do you mean in regards to straight edge?

The icons are drawn from going to icon>isometric tile in DM when making the icon. Then I just colored over them. Vrocaan I went to the interface and options. I changed it from stretch to stretch with keep aspect ratio checked, I changed it to centered and changed to tile which is still causing these pixel off placement lines to appear.
Also I deleted the interface all together and I am still seeing it. It is most noticeable around the edges of the map as where the black meets the edge of the ground tiles. When you move it appears that the edge of the map is "crawling" for lack of being able to describe it appropriately. Also I can still notice the odd displacements in the brown obj/wall

The keep-aspect parameter is only for the main window, and doesn't impact the map at all; the map will always act to preserve its aspect ratio.

Regarding the straight edge, what I mean is that the grass tiles don't show a consistent slope. There's a little vertical jog every so often. It could be an artifact of map stretching, though DirectX usually is good about avoiding that kind of thing.

This is what is created on a 48x48 icon with the "Make Isometric Tile". It is incorrect. It should look like this:

In response to Lummox JR
That jog is part of what I am describing, it is the same thing that is happening inside of the wall itself. The icon looks like what Vrocaan pictures, but when you walk it off places the turf to make the edges look jaggy. It is hard to notice on placed out tiles that are next to each other.
In response to Vrocaan
If I use anything other than Byond's icon>isometric tile the tiles do not line up properly and you end up with a small gap between the tiles. Thus, I use the DM iso tile base.
In response to Vrocaan
Vrocaan wrote:
This is what is created on a 48x48 icon with the "Make Isometric Tile". It is incorrect. It should look like this:

The tile you showed would create gaps and overlaps; there's no way for it to line up properly. The one created by DM is actually correct. Notice how there are two pixels in height at either end? That's intentional. One of those is where the bottom of an adjacent icon will nestle in; the other is where the top of an adjacent icon will fit. That's why there's also one empty pixel to either side.
Akando, I'm starting to wonder if this is an artifact of your DirectX implementation. If you turn off hardware rendering mode, does the problem disappear?
In response to Lummox JR
In a true isometric environment, the edges of a tile are merged. There is no gap, and it has the proper boundings. A true isometric tile is not doubled up like the generated one.
I went to the pager and options and unchecked the box for hardware rendering.

It made the character go to their base color, removed the red, however the jogging is still there.
In response to Vrocaan
Vrocaan wrote:
In a true isometric environment, the edges of a tile are merged. There is no gap, and it has the proper boundings. A true isometric tile is not doubled up like the generated one.

The DM generated iso template is correct. It tiles like so:

No gaps, no overlaps. They fit together like puzzle pieces. If you trim the ends to one pixel thick, they will not tile properly.
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