Code:Verb for the owner it allows them to give someone a spell(The spell is plant and its a verb).

GiveSpell(mob/M in world)
set name = "Give Spell
set category = "Staff"
switch(input("What Jutsu do you wish to give them?", text) in list("Plant","Cancel")
M.verbs += new /mob/verb/Plant()

Problem description:error: if: missing comma ',' or right-paren ')'

you're missing a comma at the end of switch(). I do stuff like that all the time
In response to Squall4120
Parenthesis after input() to close the switch.

What's "text" for at the end of input()?
You might also want to terminate the text string after 'set name=' or the compiler will give you an 'unterminated text string' error.
In response to Squall4120
i dont get wat u all mean canu show me where to put the comma
In response to Chrislee123
        switch(input("What Jutsu do you wish to give them?", text) in list("Plant","Cancel"))//ADDED PARENTASE HERE
In response to Tubutas
        set name = "Give Spell" //Added quotation mark here.
In response to Kaiochao2536
    GiveSpell(mob/M in world)
set name = "Give Spell"
set category = "Staff"
switch(input("What Jutsu do you wish to give them?", text) in list("Plant","Incendio","Episky")
M.verbs += new /mob/verb/Incendio()
M.verbs += new /mob/verb/Plant()
M.verbs += new /mob/verb/Episky()

Its ok i found it

In response to Chrislee123
Is this a rip of a harry potter game lol Episky harry potter spell and so is incendio
In response to Antony Clarkson
Its a harry potter game but it aint a rip or i would be saying theres errors
In response to Chrislee123
..You did say there were errors..