Okay, so the problem is, when I join a game, it doesn't connect to it. It doesn't download resources, or anything. It goes to a black screen with a byond icon that says "Your game will begin shortly", but it never does.

Also, when an advertisement plays, it'll go from the advertisement, to that same screen.
This has happened in several cases for me. One fix for me is to either close it and try again about 5 times or wait about 5 minutes. Have you tried either of these? If so, which ones?
I've tried multiple times, for about an hour, even when I waited a bit and tried again.
Alright. Two things can be happening.

Either the server is lagging. : Ask someone if they can connect


Your IP is being dropped by the server. : Ask the host to check. If they are on Linux, "iptables -F" can fix it. If they are on Windows.. Idk.
It's not just one game. It's every game I try to connect to.
Okay. Well then I have a couple of questions:

A) Where are you? At home or at school?

B) Are you the owner of your network? I ask this because some people have other people where they are living and they end up changing and configuring the router or whatever they're under.
A) I'm at home, currently.

B) No, I live next to a friend, and he lets me use his wifi.
It's let me on a game like, twice since it began happening last night
Well you need to:
Ask if he has knowledge of configuring his router

Ask what ISP (Who does he pay for internet) he has

Ask if he did anything to the router lately.