Not Feasible
Applies to:Byond as a whole.
Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
Hey, I've been with Byond for a while and I use to have a PC to play it whenever, but with school I had to get a Macbook so my Byond days were done, until I found bootcamp and emulators. The thing with those things is I either have to reboot my computer any time I want to get some byond time or import pixel art into DM, or run an emulator which eats processor power meaning games don't play efficiently and I cant duo run apps like photoshop and DM. I'm not looking for the feature to be done I was mostly posting to see if it were even possible and if it had ever been intended. Keep up the good work.
Nadrew resolved issue (Not Feasible)
At the time being porting the entire software suite isn't feasible, but in the future you will be able to play live games using Flash in any browser that supports it. (Live meaning hosted games, single user worlds won't be supported in Flash)
Not to beat my ceremonial drum, but... ~~You know, LibGDX is an extremely lightweight and portable means of developing applications that can run on Linux, Mac, Windows, AndroidOS, iOS, and can even be embedded in HTML-5 compliant browsers without changing a single line of code.~~