My first sprite... Trying to learn how to pixel by myself since its hard to find people who aren't boogie about helping people out.. Would love criticism and feedback on how to better myself..

I could teach you about pixel art Page Me
I look at what everyone else does, then I look at mine, and I get sad because mine sucks. :( I don't understand how you get the colors to match so well.
master your craft my nigga... and stop taking selfies it aint manly.
Thanks all for feedback.. ill msg u hebrons cause I really am trying to learn this stuff hands down..
@Lugia I just know under certain areas would be darker than others like under the neck and arms but thats nothing compared to how detailed it suppose to be
@Southend_boi Helps but doesn't... reading and just looking at a picture doesn't really help.. besides i seen those before.
make something bigger than that, with something that simple and small it's hard to critique.
Got it

Can't draw hands and feet so they are cut off.. this is an outline i did.. could be better and still updating it.. I also think the arms are too close to the body or vice versa.. and yes i do know i didn't get the calves of the legs
In response to Kidman90
Kidman90 wrote:
@Southend_boi Helps but doesn't... reading and just looking at a picture doesn't really help.. besides i seen those before.

then you should read and look at pictures until you understand... even reading some drawing tutorials will help because most forms of art share the same techniques.

Pixel art just like drawing is nothing but shapes and guidelines once you understand the basics and find a guideline method you'll be able to create pixel art with ease.
don't need to be able to draw hands or feet. just make it look like hands and feet or look at ur hand and feet and copy the shape. Its not that complicated. Plus google some references they help!

I seriously cannot draw bases. ( i didn't try too hard.. honest.. lol)

I'm probably the closest to your level here Kidman, I've not really trained and it's obvious, I might get insulted for this attempt :)
In response to Teka123
At least you tried..I cant even finish mine.
I can show you a few things..I actually have experience,game I'm currently working on... [email protected](skype)drop me a line