Not Feasible
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
Make dream maker compatible with the iPhone so people can program away from their computers and shit for people that work 60+ hours a week.

Please, before creating posts like these, read more about BYOND... It's only compatible with Windows, and there's no point with making it usable on an iPhone, who the hell would like to program with a mobile phone? Plus it'd be a huge waste of time.
LordAndrew resolved issue (Not Feasible)
Not sure if you're ignorant or illiterate, Enternal_Memories, no shit its only compatiable with Windows(and actually linux/unix) which is what this request was for. To address your 'who the hell would program on a mobile phone' alot of people- and your existance is a huge waste of time buddy :) and thanks @LordAndrew
In response to EnvyAttraction
Posts like that get you no where, and only lower other people's opinions of you. There is no sense in raging at someone.

Try to understand, we have many people that make posts nearly identical to this one, and the same response must be repeated. It gets a bit old, but you can't expect everyone to have enough sense to search for something before demanding that something be changed.
It would make sense to extend tools to other platforms if the program could be run on it, such as OSX (Mac). However, since BYOND is strictly Windows-based, ot would not make much sense to create an IDE and compiler for apple phones. But it would be noce to see BYOND on phones, I'll give you that.

I can't program on a phone personally. I have tried.