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I've been thinking of a idea for BYOND to improve what about people can use credits to get a sub. Since people can earn credits in-game too. Why not plug this in for people that want players to be able to buy their Subs with credits.
Subscriptions are basically handled by checking via code if someone is subscribed.

All a developer would have to do to allow someone to purchase a sub would be to remove the specified number of credits, and build a softcode system that knows when in-game subscriptions rather than hub-based subscriptions have occurred.
A soft-code system would work fine, but it wouldn't have the reliability of the hub-based system as far as tracking time and handling cross-server stuff. I do agree that an in-game AddSubscriber(key,days) wouldn't be a terrible idea.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
A soft-code system would work fine, but it wouldn't have the reliability of the hub-based system as far as tracking time and handling cross-server stuff. I do agree that an in-game AddSubscriber(key,days) wouldn't be a terrible idea.

I think adding a add Subscriber proc would be a very good idea.