So, this New Years, I sat home alone :'(.

And decided to reboot an old RPG I worked on a long time ago (Tinsdalia), and incorporate ideas from a bunch of other RPGs that never made it quite as far.

Anyways, here's my first developer update...
the world of ...wait for it...


Basically, you're in this world where there are four pl- wait I wrote a story up for this already (excuse the typos but I cbf to deal with recopying/pasting/adjusting this mammoth of an image):

It's a turn-based RPG that allows for up to 4 players in every party.
The game features:
Basically, how this works is at the beginning you get to choose clothes for your character (clothes are class-specific) and the clothes determine the build of your character. It provides a descriptive word for the piece of clothing based on what stat growth it enhances and how much it enhances it by.
As you progress through the game you unlock more clothes which can be used in a new game plus sort of thing I plan on implementing. This would allow you to create different builds of characters.

Here, tough corresponds to +4LP/level, safe corresponds to +1BP/level and light corresponds to +1AP/level

The stats are:
LP - Life points
ETP - Essence/technique points - required to do magics/skills
PP - Power Points
BP - Body Points (defense)
AP - Agility Points
DP - Dexterity Points
CP - Craft Points (magic power)
RP - Resistance Points (magic defense)
hits - for every additional hit damage increases by 10%; amount of hits dealt range from 50-100% of whatever your maximum amount of hits are, and are limited by your weapon (i.e: you can't do 10 hits with a gigantic club)
luck - when dexterity fails, whatever you luck is, that percentage of the time you will still hit. It doesn't change as you level up but abilities can alter it. It's 10 by default.

2.)Color customization
You can choose the colors of each individual clothing article. Again, you'll be able to unlock more as you progress through the game.
Not fully functioning nor balanced yet, but as it stands, you can step forward/backward on you turn during a PvP. This is because your placement matters. For example, there are area of effect attacks.

Also melee attacks are stronger up close.
This way, a good party will have melee fighters in the front and mages in the back.

4.)Other stuff I can't nor don't feel like recalling

I still need testers. I recently (like 6 hours ago) added a gigantic heap of content (3 new towns, 30 or so monsters, 150+ weapons/armors) and even created content production utilities to expedite the process of adding stuff. I was hoping maybe to test today but there's actually not many people who volunteered to test that are actually present. :sadface:

Anyways, I'm hoping to release the game sometime within the next two months. The goal is to release it with at least 16 towns (only 4 so far :P) and somewhere between 10-20 new monsters and 50-60 new weapons/armors for each new region.

Quests are functional but I haven't added any in, same for treasure chests, item drops, etc...

Anyways, I'm gonna go eat more than I should and be sorry. Good day to you, males, females, plurals and neuters.
I'll volenteer to be a tester as tribute.
In response to Rinion
Awesome. Add me on pager and I'll page you whenever I'm testing
The name didn't click with me and sounded so familiar that I Googled it to find out where it was from. Then I remembered.
In response to Fugsnarf
Tbh, I didn't even remember the name. If you recall correctly, the previous version of this was called "Tinsdalia"

I mistakenly thought it was Zynoa, forgetting that that was another RPG me and Gary worked on. I only realized that like 4 days into production of the game and was too lazy to change it.
I'm impressed with this. I like the interface being completely map driven. There are some text-related issues that I am uncomfortable with like text overflowing of the class list, but these are things that are easy fixes. The game seems to look nice overall, and it's refreshing to see something original being developed in BYOND instead of the staple ripped anime games.