Not Feasible
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
I know I might be wasting your time, but could it be possable to but Byond on Xbox,Ps3/4 ect...?
If Byond were put on console I would understand why you couldn't put Dream Maker, or Dream Deamon, but at least Dream Seeker to play Byond games by pluging in a USB keyborad, or coders can use a feature to make a controller compatible to their games this would be good for users who don't have a computer, and I know one problem you may have Gamertags and Byond Keys. Make it so Xbox/Ps users can connect their Byond keys to to their gamer tags, or just simply allow them to login with their Byond Keys. no one should expect this to be free , maybe you should charge MS points, or Whatever they use for Playstation Network (I'm more of a Playstaion fan myself). This could help you raise money for Byond, and maybe even get more users. I hope I can reach you

- Chase Misune (Captain Hibbenbockers)
2. No
Ok, first of all your name is Luis. Second of all you must of been on crack when you wrote this. And third Byond would need to pay Sony and/or Microsoft to do this and I doubt they would do that.
Tom or Lummox should seriously do something with these threads... We are getting awful feature requests every week/month that imply huge changes on BYOND by people that don't even know how to program a single line with DreamMaker.
LordAndrew resolved issue (Not Feasible)