Maptext did not display correctly under some conditions in software rendering mode.
BYOND Version:503
Operating System:Windows 8 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 32.0.1700.107
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Resolved (504.1232)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

I was fiddling around with maptext, alpha, and color and was making scrolled text. This doesn't happen with hardware mode on so it's not really a big problem and it's not a very serious issue anyway but when the maptext fades for some reason all the letters conjoin together and become all distorted. The main reason I'm posting this is I don't understand what hardware mode does so would this happen to many players who play the game or only specific people who choose to have hardware mode off or do people have to have really outdated machines for this to happen?

Hardware Mode On:

Hardware Mode Off:

Hardware Mode Off and Color variable use removed:

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:



_display_text("Welcome to Heart Man! Get ready to play the best game in your life! Controls are Arrows Keys to move and ZXC for actions.",
2, 5, 200, 64, world.tick_lag, 60)

proc/_display_text(string, sx, sy, mw, mh, d, dd)

var/obj/o = new()
o.layer = 500
o.screen_loc = "[sx],[sy]"
o.maptext = "<font align=left valign=top><font size=1>"
o.maptext_width = mw
o.maptext_height = mh
client.screen += o



spawn while(o)

o.alpha -= 15
if(o.alpha<=0) del(o)



spawn for(var/pos=0, pos<length(string)+1, pos++)

o.maptext = o.maptext + "[copytext(string,pos,pos+1)]"
client.screen += o


Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Maptext did not display correctly under some conditions in software rendering mode.