here is the error

runtime error: type mismatch
proc name: Hit (/mob/proc/Hit)
source file:,106

here is the verb and associated procs

punch (src as mob in view(1))
if (usr.Hp <= 0) usr << "You can't do that your out cold!"
else AccChk (src)

AccChk ()
TAcc = rand ((usr.Acc / 2), (usr.Acc * 1.25))
TAc = rand ((src.Ac /2), (src.Ac * 1.25))
if (TAcc >= TAc) src.Hit (src)
else Miss (src)
Hit (TAcc)
src.Hp = src.Hp - TAcc
oview () << "[usr] hit [src] for [TAcc] Damage."
if (src.Hp <= 0) KO ()
else return
Miss ()
oview () << "[usr] misses [src]."
KO ()
src.Status = "Unconcious"

Please help me make that go away.. ~.~
EzrahChan wrote:
here is the error

runtime error: type mismatch
proc name: Hit (/mob/proc/Hit)
source file:,106
AccChk ()
if (TAcc >= TAc) src.Hit (src)
Hit (TAcc)
src.Hp = src.Hp - TAcc

In AccChk(), you call Hit() with src, which is a mob, as the argument. However, in Hit(), you subtract the argument, TAcc, as if it is a number. (I'm assuming that HP is a num.) In AccChk(), did you want to call src.Hit(TAcc)?
In response to ACWraith
ok.. i did that.. its half working
but something funny is going on..

1. the damage miss or bounce message is echoed to the victim.. but not the attacker

2. the attacker is hitting, missing our bouncing himself in this message..

and finaly.
3. The attacker does actualy damage themselves.. they can even knock themselves out..

what the hell is going on..

(edited code)
punch (src as mob in view(1))
if (usr.Hp <= 0) usr << "You can't do that your out cold!"
else AccChk (src)

AccChk ()
TAcc = rand ((usr.Acc / 2), (usr.Acc * 1.25))
TAc = rand ((src.Ac /2), (src.Ac * 1.25))
if (TAcc >= TAc) src.Hit(TAcc)
else Miss (src)
Hit (TAcc)
src.Hp = src.Hp - TAcc
oview () << "[usr] hit [src] for [TAcc] Damage."
if (src.Hp <= 0) KO ()
else return
Miss ()
oview () << "[usr] misses [src]."
KO ()
src.Status = "Unconcious"

In response to EzrahChan
Don't use usr in procs. If you have to use a mob other than src, try passing that mob as a proc argument.

PS: Why do you pass src as an argument into procs which don't take arguments?