I need to figure out what to do with this little problem. Someone help.

icon = 'player.dmi'
icon_state = input("What class?") in list("Wizard","Rogue","Warrior")
world << "[usr] has entered!"
icon_state = gender

This is what I have, my in list isnt actually like that i just ran out of room.
icon_state = input("What class?") in list("Wizard","Rogue","Warrior")
icon_state = gender

I can't tell which thing you want to do here -- do you want to set the player's icon to their gender, or to their class?
In response to Spuzzum
I think he wants to set it to something like "female wizard" "male rogue" etc. To do this, just have it like that, only replace the icon_state = gender with icon_state = "[gender] [icon_state]" to set the icon state to "male warrior" or whatever.
In response to Garthor
ok dont worry bout this one anymore Jacob helped me fix it