I need to make it so you do this verb, and when you do it, it places a new object down on the ground. So I need to know how to make a new object and then place it on the ground underneath your feet.
Look it up in the Guide.
In response to Foomer
I wanna place an object named dirt on the ground. Yet it won't do it.

var/obj/dirt/S // reference to a stick
S = new /obj/dirt // create a new stick
S.loc = usr // set its location
In response to Likwiddraino000
Likwiddraino000 wrote:
I wanna place an object named dirt on the ground. Yet it won't do it.

var/obj/dirt/S // reference to a stick
S = new /obj/dirt // create a new stick
S.loc = usr // set its location

Do that enough, and you're going to need a bath :)

Do you want the user ('usr') covered in dirt, or the users location ('usr.loc')?
In response to Flick
well you're a farmer in the game and when you "till" the ground, you put a object down named dirt over the grass.