Okie, Im finally trying to learn how to code again.. Given all the trouble I went through to make a multi-tile system the first time around, I reembered something about synch_Steps being added in. Ive looked around, but cant find any info on it really..

Can someone provide a short (understandable) explination, and maybe a commented peice of code using it so I know how to work it into my project? @.@ thanks a bunch in advance..

Elorien wrote:
Okie, Im finally trying to learn how to code again.. Given all the trouble I went through to make a multi-tile system the first time around, I reembered something about synch_Steps being added in. Ive looked around, but cant find any info on it really..

The most definitive source I can refer you to is the "animate_movement var" entry in the reference.

I haven't used it yet, so I neither know how it works nor know how to work it.
In response to Spuzzum
*bleh* No offence to whomever wrote it, but that entry is about as usefull as.. well.. @.@ I cant think of anything that useless *LOL*

I dont understand the entry, needless to say. Well, more to the point I dont understand what -context- to use it in. Thats why I was hoping someone would be able to toss up some code so I could see how itd be used. '

Anyone? @.@

In response to Elorien
Do you remember the way the multi-tile mobs pulled apart in the first few version of SharedWorld? SYNCH_STEPS is designed to prevent that effect. You still have to provide code for multi-tile mobs, but SYNCH_STEPS helps keep them in one chunk.
In response to Shadowdarke
Ahh.. I think I kinda see... so its a variable and not a method? I thought it was supposed to help multi-tile code @.@ *L*

Welp, that helps things a bit ^_^ thanks
