Honestly, I'm a very very very very lazy person. However, I am a person who really really really really wants to help people. I've come across quite a few bugs that need reporting. However, I only manage to report the ones that seem to pester me continuously to the point that it's unbearable or, when I'm not so lazy, I report bugs of any kind.

The thing that gets me the most is the format of the bug reporting. Having to fill out that form is what really irritates me the most. However, sometimes I do the best I can to get through with it.

What are some ideas on getting past this irritation? Or is there no other way of going about giving a helpful bug report without filling out that form?

I've tried writing a short summary of the issue, how I believe it can be fixed, and what I have noticed that causes it, if anything is applicable for these topics. Apparently, that's not really accepted. :(
There's... not really any way around adequately filling out the form to describe the issue you're having. Simply going "a thing is wrong!" will result in the Staff being unable to reproduce the bug which in turn means it won't be fixed. Unfortunately quite a few bug reports lack enough information to conceivably fix them.

Filling out the form is generally for the best, since it asks questions pertaining to exactly what is needed to diagnose the issue (what happened? what were you expecting to happen? what version of BYOND, browser, and operating system were you using? And so forth). Xirre?command=view_post&post=1385631&first_unread=1 Xirre?command=view_post&post=1386552&first_unread=1 Xirre?command=view_post&post=1387364&first_unread=1

And this one was filled out using the form: Xirre?command=view_post&post=1387883&first_unread=1


I try to give as much detail as possible when doing a paragraph format. But, now that I think about it, reading all of that without a general idea as to what that chunk of text can be hard to understand after reading so many bug reports. So, I was also considering doing headers to describe what that chunk is about. Would this be good or should I just simply follow the standard form and forget about a workaround?
In response to Xirre
As long as you're conveying all of the necessary information (like the stack traces in two of those reports you linked to), or even a test case that easily reproduces the bug, then I suppose that'd be enough. The form is there for the convenience of the Staff and to make sure they're getting enough information to verify the bug's existence.
Alrighty. I'll try..
Usually, I just bullshit parts of the bug report form, or are like "no layout for this one!", or even "just a screenshot for this one".