Diablo Stallion
icon = 'diablostallion.dmi'
icon_state = "diablostallion"

This is line 38 of my mob code. When I go to build, run, it compiles and says this error.

loading Simpsons.dme Stallion:value not allowed here

Simpsons.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

i dont understand the "value not allowed here" part. The diablostallion mob is in the folder for the game. The codes naming codes are correct, and it is also in the right place, So i need help with this.
Imbob182182 wrote:
Diablo Stallion
Heres your problem. Replace the space with a _, it will show up as a space in the game. Diablo_Stallion
You posted this twice in Newbie Central, once here. You've already been told not to cross-post, so I'll repeat it:

Don't cross-post.

In case you didn't know, that's the term for posting the same thing in multiple forums. You've also posted multiple times in the same forum, which is also a no-no.

Lummox JR