I have a chatroom, chao chatroom, from sonic, now my GM code won't work unless I take out my selecteor, and I got a diff selecter, this is it, but there is an error:

mob = /mob/create_character //set the default mob to create_character, as to make the selection stuff happen
view = 7 //I prefer 7...
turf = /turf/grass
mob/monkey //we are playing God here! let's create a monkey
icon = 'monkey.dmi' //the monkey will look like this!
verb //the monkey is quite primitive, so the things it can do are limited
//the things it can do are...
yell() //yell for no reason!
world << "[usr] yells like a monkey!"
run_about() //run around, monkily!
world << "[usr] runs around mindlessly!"
philosophize() //very primitive philopholizations!
world << "[usr] philosophizes! \He thinks, 'Munkee go woo hoo!'"

icon = 'human.dmi' //this is what it will look like. quite ugly, no?
verb //the humans are more intelligent than the primitive monkies
speak(msg as text)
world << "[usr] says, in a sophisticated voice, '[msg]!'" //very sophisticated!
walk_around() //they can walk erect!
world << "[usr] strolls around leisurely."
philosophize() //they have much more developed brain power - they can philosophize meaningful things!
world << "[usr] wants to debate philosophical matters!"

dm:17:error:/mob/create_character:undefined type path
Did you define the type "create_character"? I don't see it in that piece of code. Either you didn't define it or you didn't spell it correctly (the later is unlikely).
In response to English
English wrote:
Did you define the type "create_character"? I don't see it in that piece of code. Either you didn't define it or you didn't spell it correctly (the later is unlikely).

Its ok, I fixed it for him awhile back as he did not have the "create_character" defined.

So I defined "creating_character" for him and took out the "create_character"

But all is well for his login() and class selection for now ^_^
