I need a way to display text to the user without it skipping to the next line after a string has been displayed.
Just for an example:

usr << "Hello"
usr << "Jim"

I would want it to display

Hello Jim

instead of


If someone could help me out, or if I am unclear, please reply.

usr << "Hello Jim."//for plain text

usr << "I am [varname] var"//for vars in text
In response to Nadrew
Heh, I guess I wasn't quite clear. I have trouble wording things a lot lately. I'll take another shot I guess.

I need a way to display different things at different times, but on the same line.
Think of a calculator. You press a number, it displays a number. You press another number, it displays that number on the same line as the first, so if you pressed one twice, it would display


and not


Hopefully that cleared it up a bit O_o
In response to Kamoku
Use the "\..." macro, which I think is described somewhere in the reference but I'm not sure where.

usr << "My name is \..."
usr << "Jim"

returns "My name is Jim"
In response to Foomer
Thank you! That was just what I needed.
