I've got the following sample verb:
test(arg1 as null|anything in list("blah", "bleh"), arg2 as null|anything in range(0))


The goal here is to allow a first argument restricted to the values "blah" and "bleh", and to have a second argument which can have anything in the same tile as the user. The second argument seems to work fine; however, the first argument allows me to specify the same thing (the contents of the tile I'm standing on) instead of just the values in the list. Is there any way to make a verb argument optional while still restricting it to a certain value set?

More wierdness with optional arguments:

1.If I hit 'none' for the first argument, the second argument never comes up at all. (This actually works out nicely for me, since the two arguments are supposed to work with each other).

2.If I change the second argument's input types, I no longer get the "excess" stuff in the first argument's input list.

Any thoughts?