I couldn't think of a proper name for this post, but here's my question.

I have a verb called punch. When I punch it says "You punch [M]." What I'm asking is how would I make it view right. Like so if you punch a Goblin it will say "You punch the Goblin." but so if you punch a player it just says "You punch [M]."
Could you show us the relevant code? Heres an example

mob/verb/punch(mob/M in oview(1))
usr << "you punch [M]"
view(usr)<< "[usr] punches [M]"
In response to Sariat
punch(M as mob)
usr << "You punch [M]."
oview()-M << "[src] punches [M]."
M << "[src] punches you."

(haven't added the damage and things like that yet)
In response to Daemon5532
Daemon5532 wrote:
punch(mob/M in oview(1))//changed this
usr << "You punch [M]."
view(M) << "[src] punches [M]."//changed this too
M << "[src] punches you."

(haven't added the damage and things like that yet)
In response to Sariat
Well, that didn't quite solve my problem, but I would have needed that in the future. What I was wanting was in this line:

usr << "You punch [M]."

I want it to say different things for different mobs being attacked. As in if you were to punch a player named Bob in the game it would say: "You punch Bob."

Where as if it were something like a Goblin or a Rat or something like that it would say: "You punch the Goblin." or "You punch the Rat."
In response to Daemon5532
It should already do that...
In response to Sariat
Nope, sure doesn't.
In response to Daemon5532
It does. BYOND distinguishes between such names as proper and improper nouns, following the standard rule that impropers begin with lowercase letters and propers begin with capitals.

For example:


[goblin] punches [Lawrence_of_Arabia]

would put out:

"The goblin punches Lawrence of Arabia."

[Lawrence_of_Arabia] punches [goblin]

would put out:

"Lawrence of Arabia punches the goblin."

If you want to follow non-standard rules (like having an improper but capitalized name, just do this:

name = "\improper Goblin"
name = "\improper Harpy"
name = "\improper Junior Senator from the State of Tennessee"

Now, you'll get output like "Lawrence of Arabia punches the Junior Senator from the State of Tennessee."
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Yea, the sad thing is after I got off for the night last night, I started reading my Blue Book and came across the section that tells you how to do that, but thanks none the less.