Deadron, I have been using your Character handling for awhile now, and something is bothering me. If it saves before an overlay is taken off, and then loads again, you cant get the overlay to go away. Im wondering if there is a way around this, or if not, is there something i can change to make it not save a usr's overlays?
In the beginning of mob.Write(), set overlays to an empty list.
In response to Shadowdarke
Shadowdarke wrote:
In the beginning of mob.Write(), set overlays to an empty list.

And if you have problems with already-saved overlays, set overlays to an empty list in mob.Read().
In response to Deadron
I use deadrons Charachter handling thing as well but soon i plan on learning all that save/load stuff rather depend on that. It's the easiest way to get best results :)