What did the person(s) who made the computer have to know to make it?

Oldest computer-Today's computer?

I looking for a list of subjects, (interpret how you will but a complete answer is requested.)

Any links to know high quality topics throughout the internet on this would be appreciated.
If only there was some kind of resource repository where historical information could be collected over hundreds of years. Not only that, but imagine if there was a way to get this information for free. Reliable first-hand documentation? I think I'd call it a... drybrary. Or maybe fybrary... Or maybe there could be a thing where I ask a question to something, and it comes up with relative responses.
I am Sir Quizalot's apprentice. Therefore I shall present additional questions that you must answer. Brace yourselves:

What is the purpose of the computer? What are its goals? Did the people who created the computer like tuna sandwiches? And if a woodchuck chucked wood, would the sun eclipse the moon at 14PM Russian Standard Time?
Getting pretty in here.

In future though, please try to present an element of prior work and search yourself before posting these topics. It's bad etiquette to just roll onto a forum such as this and dump arbitrary multiple vague questions as you have been lately.
I really think this guy is either using replies to make some niche blog which he will use for adsense purposes or is a troll. I mean it is possible he is trying to get us to do his homework but it seems a little too vague for that.
I am very confused by that website, Stephen.
In response to Fugsnarf
Fugsnarf wrote:
I am very confused by that website, Stephen.
His interview made about as much sense as his website, so I was still confused. Then he said that we will resort to cannibalism if we do not believe in the time cube. At that moment it all made sense to me.
You are no longer educated stupid
In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
Getting pretty in here.

In future though, please try to present an element of prior work and search yourself before posting these topics. It's bad etiquette to just roll onto a forum such as this and dump arbitrary multiple vague questions as you have been lately.

Yes Mr.Locker