s_admin(by spuzzem) doesnt work on beta, anyone know how to fix this? Its not a big deal i can realy make my own GM verbs and stuff, i just want to know hw to fix it for ease.
The last time you posted this topic, two other people said it worked fine... until other people say it doesn't work fine, I'm going to assume that you're the one making the mistake. =)

Remember that you need to call AddGMVerbs() in the mob/Login() and RemoveGMVerbs() in the mob/Logout(). This is handled automatically if you use ..() in those procs.
In response to Spuzzum
well it worked fine (even with my game the same) without beta, but what i think its doing is being very picy about calling login only ones on a game, thats my thought because i am not making my own admin code and had the same troubles but i think i can work around it now. But thanks for calling my wrong.