I am trying to create a Challenge verb for spectators within a two player game, allowing them to challenge another spectator and upon acceptance, creating a new instance of the game with the challengers system as the server. I also need to pass a few params to the new game instance, then link both players to the new instance.

This code works fine, except the new game is on the same server. Any suggestions on how to alter it to allow it to start on another system?
Challenge(var/mob/M in Game_Handler.Players() - src)
var/accept = input(M, "[usr] has challenged . Do you accept?", "Accept Challenge?") in list("YES","NO")
if(accept == "YES")
var/new_ip = startup(,0,"-once","-params Red_Player=[]&Blue_Player=[]")
M << link(new_ip)
src << link(new_ip)
usr << "[M] has declined your challenge."