anyone know how to make a verb default, you know, like a chat room?
The "command_text" option might be just what you need. Look it up in the reference under client/var/command_text.
In response to Foomer
hey! Thankz! And also, anyone know how to encode a message like:

say(msg as alien_txt)

In response to mystX
Say(msg as text)
world<<"[]: [html_encode(msg)]"
In response to mystX
Please explain what excatly you're wanting to do.
In response to Nadrew
I'm trying to figure out how to have the message be outputed as Icons like if I had an icon file full of letters in an alien(ex. martian) language, then how would I get the message to be encoded into those icons?
In response to mystX
It is simple.

Say(msg as text)

In response to Darke Rage
NOT the USERS icon but the icons of the letters! I think that's what he means?
In response to Darke Rage
Say(msg as text)
world<<"< BIG >\icon[usr]</BIG >[usr]:[msg]"

Take ou the spaces.
In response to mystX
Whoops I really never read the whole questions :p

In response to Darke Rage
You do know there's a edit button, right?
In response to unimatrix
He is right, that's not what i meant!
In response to mystX
Check out Ebonshadow's talk bubble library, it will show you how to do this (in a way).
In response to Nadrew
Thankz alot man! I'll cherish this moment forever!
