Ok i remebered a post i read awhile ago saying that using files was a bad thing to do and that usinf the Z level was better. Is this so, what would be some of the pro in cons of this. Any help would be deeply appreciated because i don't want to make a bunch of dif map files and have it make my game really big to download or soemthing like that. Thank you all.

For setting z levels you make a map and thenu go to otpions where it says set map size and u click it and set how many maps wou want which is Z.
In response to Darke Rage
Sorry i guess my first question wsn't clear. I know how to set the Z level. I was just wondering what was better having multiple map files or having one map and many Z levels. Any ideas on this would help me thanks.

In response to Kalzimere
Z levels if you have multiple map they wont all be connected.
There isn't much of a difference.

If you use only one map file, you guaruntee that all of the map levels are in the order you want them. The major drawback of this, is that you can't easily not include a level into your game (explanation of this later)

With different map files, I think (but I'm not positive) they are ordered put together based on their filename. When the game is downloaded the maps are loaded in successive (1,2,3,4...) z levels automatically. The major problem here, is remembering which map file's level will be what level in game. The major pro, is that if you have a level that you only want to be in the final version of the game, you can make it, save it, and just put in the little check in DM.
Using one map with multiple Z levels:
- You always know what is on each Z level.

Using multiple maps instead:
- You can disable certain maps whenever you want.

That's about the only difference I can think of.
In response to Darke Rage
Thanks for all your help guys.I think im going to stick with multipyl maps but do something else with z level thanks again.
