Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

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Hey would it be possible to add a few more built-in byond procs to show in the cpu profiler?

Such as view(), range(), get_dist(), step(). Mostly the ones that would be "the laggiest" if overused.

Ok thanks

Good luck.
Edit: The reason why I'm giving a +1 is because the profiler only seem to help me only so much in optimizing my projects. In the end, I have to check through my code myself, trying to think of ways to shorten things that may or may not be possible to be shortened.
I think the problem with this is that those procs aren't actually attached to anything, so you'd have trouble pinpointing what view() call for instance was bogging things down because the profiler would have no way of determining what that view() call was attached to.

And since you'd basically be calling the same proc for every instance of a proc called without a reference (these procs exist even outside of the /global scope) you'd just have a ton of numbers spanning tons of instances of calling that proc in your code.

It would be awesome if it were possible though, agreed, and I could very-well be wrong about what information the profiler could potentially obtain from the calls but just thinking about how those procs work makes it seem like it might be a bit unfeasible.
You can get profile numbers for other void procs. Also the numbers would be solely for the proc itself. If you want info on a proc calling another proc, that's what total cpu is for.
I'm pretty sure that my over use of view() in my game is a big source of "lag"

I would like to see the exact numbers in the profiler though before I bother trying to optimize it.

I could replace most of my uses of view() with something like this which is far more conservative:
var/area/a=locate(/area) in range(0,center)
for(var/mob/m in a.player_list)
return players

It doesn't take turf opacity into account, but for most purposes I'm willing to make that sacrifice. Such as with chatting.
Ter13 looked into a comparison between view/range and viewers/hearers that you might find interesting. You can find it here.
Cool thanks I always wondered how they compare