ok, got a problem with trying to load a saved party. I make my players pay for some mercs, and then i have them deleted whan they log out, so not to fill the game with dead mercs. But, i have them saved in a variable, so when they load there character back up, they get the merc again. I have it something like this.
F["last_x"] >> last_x
F["last_y"] >> last_y
F["last_z"] >> last_z
F["followed"] >> followed
F["Follower"] >> follower
loc = locate(last_x, last_y, last_z)
new/obj/followers/usr.follower (locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z))

this aprently is not what i want... path

I tired doing
usr.follower (locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z))

but, that gave me a bad proc error...

Any ideas?

i'm stumped
Well, first of all it depends where your save and load routines are. Because if they are client routines, usr may not be what you wish to use (try client.mob instead).

This is pure speculation, so it may not even remotely work, but did you try something like:
var/mob/M = client.follower
new M(client.mob.loc)
