Ok, I guess im a little rusty when it comes to coding, I dont know why this does it, and im hoping that someone who reads this can help me get by this. I tried to do this on a project which I was working on, and I noticed no matter how many ways I did it, the same thing happened.

First off, the vars..

and then the body of the code which is presented in the creating character proc, note that I left out the name process because that part works fine.. and the classes.. this is used with deadrons system.


var/list/abilities1 = list("Power Shot", "Fortitude", "Dodge")
help_text = "What Special Ability would you like to obtain?"
default_value = "Fortitude"
var/special = input(src, help_text, prompt_title, default_value) in abilities1
if ("Power Shot")
special_ability = "Power Shot"
alert("You have Upgrades your Power Attack Ability by 20%")
if ("Fortitude")
special_ability = "Fortitude"
alert("You have Upgrades your Fortitude Ability by 20%")
if ("Dodge")
special_ability = "Dodge"
alert("You have Upgrades your Dodge Ability by 20%")
var/list/leagues = list("Wiegraff", "Grandolph")
help_text = "What Side to you wish to be Leagued with?"
default_value = "Wiegraff"
var/league = input(src, help_text, prompt_title, default_value) in leagues
if ("Wiegraff")
league = "Wiegraff" alert("You are now leagued with the great prince, Wiegraff!")
if ("Grandolph")
league = "Grandolph"
alert("You are now leagued with the all mighty Grandolph!")

Now, the problem with that is.. it didnt show up on my statpanel, I tried to make them procs, so league = "Grandolph" lets say would be
league = "Grandolph"
and it would be called upon when you choose him as the leige.
now, that I thought would work, because in the character creation it showed up on the statspanel, but when the player logged in.. it vanished.. any thoughts? I couldnt find nothing wrong with the code itself, or the vars that I was using.. thanks for taking your time in reading all of this!
vars don't show up on stat panels by themselves. You have to put them there.

Do you have a customized stat() procedure?
In response to Skysaw
customized stats panel? ...

statpanel("Items", src.contents)
stat("Life Force:", "[num2text(,30) ]/[num2text(src.maxhealth,30) ]")
stat("Energy:","[num2text(,30) ]/[num2text(src.maxenergy,30) ]")
stat("Armor:","[num2text(src.armor,30) ]")
stat("Money:", "[num2text(,30) ]")
stat("Leige:", "[league]")
stat("Special Ability:","[special_ability]")

what else is there besides that?
In response to Goku401
You need to move the second statpanel() below all the stat()s because you're defining them in the items statpanel().
In response to Nadrew
thanks for pointing that out I guess, but thats not the problem.. it still shows up under stats instead of items, what I am trying to figure out is why my variables vanish after the player logs in and if there is any way around that or a correct way of doing what I did with the character creation.
In response to Goku401
possibly the way you are saving the mob's?

are they vanishing when you load a character? or make a new one?

In response to FIREking
well, both, when I create a character they show up in the character making part when I choose them, but when the player actually logs in and when it displays the login proc and all about world << [usr] has entered the realm of [game name], it disappears, when I relog in its not there.. I was wondering if the code itself was right.. and if they werent correct how would I go about by fixing them? I just started on the game then I notice that the same problem shows up, lol.. and yet I dont know what the problem is unfortunetely, because the code looks generally right to me..