[Jul 11 12:57] DeathAwaitsU: I hate when you're searching Google for hack tools right.

searching Google

searching Google


Hack Tools
Hacking is bad kids, don't do it.
That chat log is totally a lie. DAU wouldn't get into that.
Hacking is good. It promotes creativity and problem solving.
Cracking is bad. It promotes prison sentances and bad PR for computers.
Hacking is defined as unauthorized access to information. It is illegal regardless of intentions.
Not always. Hacking can also be classed as trying to get around programs which are designed to stop it. Thus, you could be "hacking" when you are fool-proofing your network.
Neither. See the Jargon File, in particular, this entry, and this entry.
Pay attention to this file on the internet.
damn it ellie, make a guild so we can all join it already!

odds are people will youse the guild forums more than byond itself...

lol =]