So, I was recently looking up how to make an algorithm to create fluid particles in Unity3D so I can make interactive water from scratch. Like usual, I ended up getting off task and started googling other things. Then, something I was researching up on long ago crossed my mind.

Let's just say you were capable of having a machine move faster than light. Could you answer these questions for this scenario?

Scenario: In the back of the machine is a motor that thrusts it at speeds faster than light. In the front is the power switch to tell it when to stop and then repeat. From the back to the front are a few wires with electricity running through them to have these functions carried out.

A) Moving at speeds faster than light (FTL), if your machine was moving in the direction opposite of which the back was facing, would the back ever be able to successfully send information the front? (My guess is No. Not until you stop.)

B) Would the front be send information to the back while it's moving FTL? (My guess is Yes. And it will be even faster.)

C) If both of my answers for A and B are what you agree would, would you also agree that a solution to this issue would be to rotate the portion of the machine that transmits data so that the data flows with the machine's speed?

Speaking what I was thinking

The reason why I gave the answer for A and B is because if you're moving faster than sound, electricity, or even light, then the electricity, or whatever you use to transmit data, will either be left behind inside the wire.

Similarly to how when you first press on the gas in an automobile. You will be pulled backwards against your seat. Eventually, the resistance of your seat holding you back allows you to gain the same momentum as the car. Therefore you feel less pressure. If you were to step forward in your car, you would be temporarily moving faster than your car.

After thinking about that, I'd also like to add on that I think eventually the electricity would be able to move forward if you were going at the same constant speed since it would also add on its own speed, seeing as how it's trapped in the wire. So it would be moving at the machine's speed of FTL + the speed of electricty. But in actuality, since everything within the machine is moving at the same speed, the electricity wouldn't really be moving any faster once everything becomes a constant speed (when all of the matter starts being transmitted at the same speed).

Give any inputs you want. This was just a random thought and I felt like blabbing my wandering mind.
Well nothing can move faster than the speed of light so the questions are a little irrelevant aren't they? You appear to me to be asking what would happen in a theoretically impossible condition. Your hypothesis is automatically false so testing the conclusion is unnecessary I would have thought.


For all positive integers x, assuming x is negative. What is the value of x?

Well the hypothesis that x is positive and negative at the same time is false. So why bother asking the question of it's value?

The speed of light is the universal speed limit.
In response to CMOS_95
CMOS_95 wrote:
Well nothing can move faster than the speed of light so the questions are a little irrelevant aren't they?

This is where I can tell you TLDRd my post. Not to be rude, but I'd just like to restate what I wrote in the original post.

Xirre wrote:
Let's just say you were capable of having a machine move faster than light. Could you answer these questions for this scenario?

The reason why I am even remotely interested in this topic, even after how many times people have said it isn't feasible, is because of the new project NASA is working on to create a warp drive that bends space. They'll use that basically push themselves away. The concept is nice. But there's obviously some flaws pertaining its constant functionality. Which is why I brought up this post.
Einstein's theory of relativity says that nothing goes faster than light, because as something gains speed, it gains mass. The faster it goes, the more mass it gets, and by the time it reaches light speed, it's mass becomes infinite, and thus the force required to push it would become infinite, but I see two flaws( I'm not very well educated on this subject so feel free to correct me)

1. Where does all that mass come from? If matter can not be created nor destroyed, where is it coming from? And it could therefore never become infinite, because there isn't infinite matter (As far as we know)

2. In space, there's typically little or no pull that pulls an object. Voyager 1 is the first man-made object to exit the solar system. It started off with very little acceleration, but over time it used very little fuel to very slowly gain speed until now it barrels at around 38,600 mph. It's nowhere near the speed of light, but after over 40 years we've come very, very far in space engineering and now we can build something similar, but far more efficient, meaning we might be able to get an unmanned probe up to or approaching the speed of light, which would violate Einstein's theory, but it's still going and will keep on going for the next 11 years.
In response to Xirre
Xirre, warp drives aren't faster than light. Also I did read your post and "lets just say" doesn't change anything. You're talking about something that can't happen.

Talk about it all you like, you'll always be wrong because your premise is wrong. You can never be right about anything you say to do with this question. That's what I was pointing out to you.
Look everyone. It's mathematically proven. Not my opinion.

If the hypothesis is wrong, the conclusion must be wrong.

That's mathematics not me. I was pointing it out for him but he disagrees with mathematics. So whatever.

His hypothesis is wrong because nothing is faster than light. His conclusions will always be wrong. It's basic mathematics. Ask your math teachers or philosophy teachers.
Sure it is. But this isn't about facts it's fiction.. It wasn't hard to fathom that from the first post where it says "let's just say" .

Remember you're on a forum where creativity thrives and things are made up, it's not all facts.. If it were if be level 9000 shooting glowing balls of energy out of my hands and teleporting to other worlds..

You're making a game, I'm sure you played many aswell and I bet the majority of them weren't historically correct nor completely based on real life true facts..
When I say the conclusions would be false I'm just saying they'll be fiction. Not science. The topic says let's talk science, this isn't science so I pointed it out. Just nevermind me.
A topic doesn't always define what's inside it.. It's the internet after all things get perceived differently.
Well the main issue with your premise (as CMOS_95 points out), is that you've violated the theory of special relativity. The question is, in a physics sense, absurd. To make it work at the speed of light, you require that your machine be massless. Past the speed of light .... ????

Now, in a way, that's okay for the sake of a thought experiment, but it presents you with a number of problems. Aside from "How on earth did you manage that???", you get questions like "what happens to the energy/mass relationship in the context of acceleration, past the speed of light?" for one.

Newton's second law for instance, is a good example of a relationship that holds only for a certain range of values . You'll start to see the law as stated by Newton violated for acceleration on objects that are at velocities in excess of 1/10th the speed of light. As such, the universal equation for the relationship between force, mass and acceleration is much larger and needs to take in relativistic effects to work for velocities in excess of 1/10th the speed of light.

But ... lets for the sake of argument, assume all other existing theories hold, and we don't have the mass-energy paradox that special relativity gives us, thus such a device can manage faster than light travel through a conventional, non-quantum mechanic.

A. Well, basically this question is screwed to start with, but the short answer is "Yes, probably". If we assume point A and point B are inside of the machine and it's a vacuum, then special relativity's assertion is that you can propagate photons at the speed of light in any direction, regardless of the state of the emitter (travelling fast than light). So you could happily shine a light from the 'back' of this machine to the 'front'.

B. See A.

C. No need.
In response to Stephen001
Thanks. That ended my curiosity. I was really wondering what would possibly happen in this event.