mob/var/icon/avatar = 'avatars.dmi'
mob/var/avatar_state = "Unknown"

mob/verb/Say(hello as text)
world << {"<IMG SRC=\ref[avatar] ICONSTATE='[avatar_state]' HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="16>[name]: [hello]"}

Problem description:

My 'avatars.dmi' has a number of states in it. However no matter what "avatar_state" is set to, it always shows the same image which happens to be the first avatar in the .dmi file. What's the problem?


Edit: Actually on the subject of this. Does anyone know how to block certain file types from upload? If I wanted to allow custom *.dmi uploads? It lets through other files (png etc) and I want to restrict it to dmi only.
Here's one way to block non-dmi files.

mob/verb/upload(var/file as file)
var/filename = "[file]"
var/file_extension = copytext(filename, -4)
if(file_extension == ".dmi")
// stuff goes here.

As for your other issue, I've never seen that type of output before, so I can't help you there.