Now, granted, I'm not like Bruce Lee or even close, nor have i actually fought in a large battle or been in a truely life-threatening situation ( school-yard run-in's were about the extent ), but here's something I was thinking:

In combat, there are a lot of factors that have to be accounted for. Let's list them:
Intelligence -- Your ability to rationalize the situation.
Emotion -- How out of balance you are with rational thought ( fear, hate, etc.).
Skill -- Your ability to fight at that moment.
Environment -- How familiar you & how you can work with it.
Stake -- What you have to gain and lose after this fight.
Phyisique -- How 'in shape' you are for a fight.

Ok, considering those, we'd have to figure out a way to numerically represent each variable. Given the nature of RPG's, I say we toss any presuposed ideas or generalities that exist.

Now, contrary to popular opinion, the best warriors have NEVER been stupid. World renown fighters such as Mohammed Ali were smart guys, but not necessarily book smarts. So let's call this stat Intuition.

Next, we have to consider the emotional weight of the person. Someone who's in intense rage is a worse fighter than a person who's calmn and collected. Please, don't construe rage to be the same as 'life or death situation.' Two different things. Let's call this Emotional Weight. We'll scale it from 0 - 10, where 0 is completely nuts, 10 is completely rational.

Now let's address skill. Skill is your ability to fight with whatever you have at the moment. Fighting with a Quarterstaff when you are a Brawler is stupid, so we'd have to assume that the person is using the best weapon at the moment, but would be clumsy with anything they don't know how to properly use. Skill is skill, so let's not euphemize it.

Envrionment blows down to pre-knowledge. If you don't know your environment, (ie. a Ranger fighting in a City) you cannot expect to fight as effectively as someone who's very familiar. This would be more of a ratio, probably on a scale of 0 - 15, where 15 is very very familiar, like your own home, and 0 would be a place you've never even dreamed about.

Stake, for the most part, suffers no consequence in an RPG and probably should be removed for the sake of keeping some form of suspense in the game. Humans are known for pointlessly killing each other, so let's keep it that way.

Physique is another very important element. If you're completely out of shape, then you probably aren't going to last as long in a fight. You'll suffer from fatigue and start to become weak. Physique would be good to be represented by Endurance and Tiredness ( a negative modifier to attack & damage ). Also, this might have a large effect on how much damage you can take.

Let's also add in the stat Health, for the heck of it. All humans start with a 30 health.

Ok, now let's rate them. At any given time, there are 100% of the above factors applied to you. But some are far more important than others.

Intelligence: 20%
Emotion: 25%
Skill: 20%
Environment: 25%
Physique: 10%

Let's calculate a character's hit value with the following stats:

Intelligence: 10
Emotion: 3
Skill: 6
Environment: 7
Physique: 9

We get a total of 6.6 or let's call it 66.

Basically this character has a 66% chance of hitting his target based on his own psyche. Things like movement and his target aren't factored in here.

Ok, let's say he hits his target.

Well, based on skill and knowledge of weaponry, I know for a fact that one man's useless tool is another's deadly weapon. No weapon is particularly any less deadly than any other. Think of it like this: A man with a chinese knife can surely kill you by slashing you 30 times, but a man with a kitchen knife can slice you once across the neck and end it, could he not?

So in the context, a weapon should be based more on effectiveness and skill than anything. Let's examine my personal favorite weapon, the Quarterstaff.

Now, it's not a very effective weapon, it can cause more damage to the user, if used incorrectly. However, in the hands of a capable user, an opponent can be defeated in one quick blow.

This kind of shows we have to break a weapon's stats down, do we not? Let's look at what makes up a weapon in the RPG sense:

Type: Is it steel or wood? Does it require two hands or one?
Base Effectiveness: How good it is when used untrained.
Speed: How fast the weapon is when used untrained.
Requirement: What kind of attribute does it rely on?

Ok, so let's say Quarterstaff again:

Type: Wood, 2-Handed, Long Reach
Base Effectiveness: little
Speed: Slow - Medium
Requirement: Eye-Hand Coordination

( Effectiveness: None, Little, Somewhat, Fairly, Moderately, Highly, Extrodinarily )

Let's say, for every 2 levels you have in the skill, the effectiveness goes up by one. Also, you gain more usage from the Quarterstaff.

So a person with a skill of 10 in Quarterstaff ( or something ) would read:

Type: Wood, 2-Handed, Bladed, One-Handed, Multiple Attacks, Long Reach
Base Effectivenes: Highly
Speed: Medium - Fast
Requirement: Eye-Hand Coordination, Strength

Note, that the requirements would also increase with your skill.

Now, comparing this to real-life. A typical gun can be used by anyone and is basically life-threatening, but is probably only Moderately effective in the hands of an untrained. Like, most school shootings only result in a very low number ( less than 5 ) dead. However, an Army Ranger can take out about 30 - 70 of your average Arab terrorists alone. Big difference there.

I'm not going into my health / damage system at the moment, but it will tie-in somewhat like this.

What do you think? Anything you might want to add or comment on?
It's close to real combat, but if your gonna make something realistic, your gonna need to add sleep and such things. Sleep can have a real affect in a fight if its late and around the time you usually hit the sac, then out of nowhere a person pushes you down, chances are your already tired and your mind is strained so eating a chunk of earth wont be to much of a wake up call, most likely your gonna be knocked out and such. The other stat you need to add in is some type of sleep stat, which measures in with awareness and defensive power. Don't try to get it just like real life because that is simply impossible, no matter how many verbs and how freely you can fight, it will never be close to real life because of focus and what not. When I took tae kwon do, there were people who just couldn't kick hard because they feared hurting the person since they saw it as playing, which in the case it was a spar match which is ment for practice, but still there has to be a winner. I used to have a problem where I just would hold back because I got used to play fighting so I wouldn't punch as hard as I could because of a "mental block" I guess you could say. So you may also need a combat stat which in a sense is like experience but it helps you perform a punch better or kick without holding back. I mean lets put real life experience into a numerical value for 2 people, 1 person has foughten in 5 fights and that gives him an experience of 5 x 2 which is 10, then somebody else has foughten in no fights which is of course 0, now lets say the person who fought 5 times is a bully and attacks the person who has never fought, that person is gonna throw a punch and most likely miss, or not even hurt the opponent since they are not quite sure how to throw a punch, then the bully is gonna probably swing once into his opponent sending the opponent sprawling in pain and have an offset mind of rage to beat up their opponent, now no experience + rage = bad fighter. Now the kid is gonna be throwing punches wildly wasting his energy and missing most of the time until he tires, this will slightly intimidate the bully but not much, since once the person is tired out, the bully is simply gonna kick him in submission, or stop for a bribe. Now I'v been in like 3 fights myself, and I'm thankful for there being adults to stop them, but from knowledge, humans just attack out of simple childish rage, and no martial art or form of combat can ever be a sure win over the power of the unpredictable abbilities of humans in such a harsh situation. I'v watched different competitions and have seen a newbie in jeet-kun-do toss around a blue belt in tae-kwon-do in a spar match to see how two humans, who learned 2 different things comprehend under situations. The purpouse of jeet-kun-do is that it bases around 1 thing that each student must learn off of to develop his/her own fighting style, thats why Bruce Lee was so good, he understood the simplicity of that 1 rule and how it could make him undefeatable. Of course, this just doesn't happen under one day, it takes years and years of study of different things for your own skill to rise, and this is one reason no video game can simulate actual combat. Oh yea, but thats a good combat system base you started =).

In response to Semaj
Well, I'm not looking for realism, but rather to involve the player in the fight. The way i see it, the best way around that is to add elements that everyone can agree upon and identify with.

Couple things, though:

The difference between your fights and the fights games simulate is the Stake factor. You never felt like your life was truely in danger, nor did you feel like anyone else's was. I know for a fact that you fight A LOT differently when your life is in danger than when it is not. True, when the stakes are low, often times people fight quite randomly and harshly.

I must correct a couple things too ( they really bother me).

Jeet Kun Do should never have dashes in it, it's insulting to the art.

(not a lecture)
Jeet Kun Do is actually "the way of the intercepting fist." It's the last martial art studied and created by Bruce Lee until he determined that the best form is no form. The basis of Jeet Kun Do is to intercept your opponents attack with an equal attack that utilizes the forces surrounding them to the fullest extent. For example, if someone were to attack you with a punch, most arts say that you block/dodge/check the punch. Bruce Lee realized that when you punch, you naturally shift your weight to the front foot, thus a strong kick in the foot would counter-balance you and mess up your punch before it even got there. Because of this, I cannot impliment such a thing into my game for it would be hugely imbalancing. Not to mention there are no set attacks or real strong forms for the person to study, so there would be no way to impliment growth effectively.
In response to ShadowWolf
Your giving the flat out terminology of it, from what I'v seen and read in the book "The Universal Art" by, David Chow and Richard Sprangler Jeet Kun Do was ment to reveal how freely a person could fight. It also taught how to intercept, though since it was mainly used to only fight when in need to, so if you could predict your opponents moves you would not need to fight. Oh yea, and the part about how Bruce Lee helped stop attacks was one way he did so, but the other way is that when you move, your muscles twitch, and what he did was study how each twitch happened and practiced watching these twitches over and over, which made him almost impossible to strike because he got used to the smallest twitches. This also hightened his perception greatly which is another major factor in his awesome fighting abbilities. If you notice, most students of Jeet Kun Do stop learning after a while, and start doing their own stuff, the reason is because Jeet Kun Do as Bruce Lee said, "It's a bridge which is built from the start of learning, and once you figure out that your destination is at the other end, you must cross that bridge."
