I was wondering...(chomp) (chomp), if there was a way to actually Upload your save file to a game. Lets say theres an option that asks you if you want to save your savefile, you clikc Yes (its a pop up window), and it goes to your desktop, then when you join the game again. You have 3 choices New Game, Continue, None. If you click continue it will bring up a widow that will let you browse your comp to uplaod the .sav, but you cant trick it by using other people saves now :-D Has this been done?
It couldn't be done because everyone would hack into their save files and rewrite them so that they have god-like powers. Trivial. You just write a program to display all the variables, then change them. That is, it could be done, but highly impractical. If you had a backup on the server to make sure it matches, why even save the file? The better way to do this is to have a single master server all the other servers are constantly connected to, and they upload their files onto it. When somoeone joins, a message is sent to the master server requesting a file, if it's there, send it back. Otherwise, send back a null message and start the new character proc. This would do essentially what you want, without the chances of cheating (except, of course, by the server hosts. You can keep THEM from cheating by reviewing all the files that come in manually.)
Trasmiting files in BYOND can be done by several means, but it's not hack-proof.

At present, BYOND lacks an internal encryption system capable of protecting client-side savefiles from abuse. (Until it does, character sharing between different instances of the same game is somewhat problematic.) In a recent BYONDscape article (well, "recent" meaning around the time I was supposed to have delivered a Dream Tutor submission to Guy, who no doubt is still wondering where it is)--ahem. In a recent BYONDscape article, Air Mapster talked about ways to "cheat the cheater", including ways to protect savefiles. His suggestion was to use an RC5 symmetric encryption library he created.

I haven't tried his library yet, but this is a step in the right direction. I think for full security, BYOND eventually needs some kind of asymmetric encryption built in.

Lummox JR
In response to Garthor
Well, this could be waylaid significantly by having some form of complex stat-defining algorithm that calculates stats. Like, it would use complex things like Square Roots and perhaps a misc var in the savefile that holds the compiled time, which is just a jumble of overly complex numbers. Do it somewhat like a serial key, but make it change on occasion ( such as every update or something ).

This would be more difficult and less useful than the RC5 solution though, I reccomend that :-)
In response to Garthor
-_- eh, just another idea shot down
In response to ShadowWolf
You could always only allow hosts verbs that kill people, boot people, etc. and make sure they have no access to the savefile.