Well, unless I want to get into some weird technically advanced stuff that I don't understand, I have two options for understanding commands such as "tell super monkey whatever"

I can use an "about" seperater to seperate the target from the message.

[tell] [super monkey] [about] [whatever you want it doesn't matter]"

or I can use what LoW or AbyssDragon suggested, ()'s and "'s.

[Tell] [(Super Monkey)] [Whatever you want it doesn't matter]

So, what do you think I should go with?

So, what do you think I should go with?

I'd go with the symbols because it's less typing.
In response to Theodis
I would agree. I find my ()s to be very easy to use and handle, as well as low-lag. Good luck, Foomer.
I think you should go with a colon. That's the least typing at all.

Tell Super Monkey: Blah blah.