This is to compare the differences between creating a text mud that uses either areas as rooms, or turfs as rooms. If anyone has anything to add to this, please do! Since this is only a list of the things I've thought of so far.

Using Areas:

* Very easy to arrange rooms any way you want, including infinite hallways ;oP
* Easier to prevent accidently room overflows, like a range(1) shout verb...

* Major pain to make large maps, since you have to link each room together individually.
* More difficult to make things happen in multiple rooms.

Using Turfs:

* Benefit of being able to use the map editor.
* Easy to setup large maps by repeating insignificant rooms by using the same turf over and over.
* Potentially easier to create procs with a ranged effect, such as shouting or scanning nearby turfs.

* Sometimes more difficult to prevent things from going where you don't want them to...
* Much more limited map organization.
I think you've got all the important pros and cons there. I can tell you why I chose areas for my MUD... flexibility was the most important thing to me. The fact that it's a pain to link rooms and make things happen in multiple rooms is overshadowed by the fact that my rooms effectively take up no space, so I can put them wherever I want. I'm pleased I chose this method. Someone else, I know, chose to make a MUD with turfs... maybe Guy? ...and perhaps they will share how that decision turned out.

I pride myself on being inventive, so here is my take on the matter. Design your map with turfs using the editor, then edit the map file by hand and change them into areas.
I'm more inclined to go for turfs, because I tend to design real-space maps anyways. If you wanted to go for a really detailed systems, you could use both, using turfs as standardized units of space and dividing groups of turfs into separate rooms by area--I've seen suggestions in a couple of places for a system along these lines, wherein movement is basically handled on a room-to-room level but in-room distances are still handled.