Well how do
you can try spuzzum's s_admin library, for starters.

Other than that, try adding verbs to certain keynames at Login(), Making a special admin mob for yourself, etc...
You include s_admin and change Spuzzums key to yours.
In response to Foomer

<font size=1> Nadrew is way too sarcastic
In response to XxxSnakexxX
XxxSnakexxX wrote:
<font size=1> Nadrew is way too sarcastic

Pardon my poor command of Engish, but is he sarcastic? Or is this an attempt to make a joke???
In response to XxxSnakexxX
What are you talking about? His post was short and to the point, and told you exactly what to do to get one version of GM powers in your game.

My answer to your question would be, "However you want to." That may seem sarcastic, but is even more correct. It's like this... the question is: what the hell is a GM, anyway? The answer is: whatever the hell you decide a GM is. If you just want boot commands, that's one thing... if you want a god-like character that can create quests at run-time and control the flow of the story, that's a whole other thing.
In response to LexyBitch
You know Lexy, some things just aren't worth arguing.
In response to Foomer
Would you care to defend that statement? :P
In response to LexyBitch
Don't make me repeat myself. :o)