Hi all. Im confused on how to equip an item from my contents to a seperate list. I assume you have to use the Click() proc to select an item in your contents. Could anyone help me with the Click() proc for this?
    Click(var/obj/O in contents)
O.loc = equipped
// All I got so far, but it has a runtime error and doesnt
//move to the "equipped" variable.
//Also it allows any item on the ground to be equipped.

Help Please! :D
First mistake:
Click() doesn't have "custom" arguments like what you're doing. Whatever arguments Click() has (which are found in the reference), is what it has.

Second mistake:
Your "equipped" variable is null. It has no value. And since it has no value, doing O.loc = equipped, is the same as doing O.loc = null.
In response to Spunky_Girl
Oh i see. thanks