That's hawt.
Awesome stuff
finally finished... well as finished as im gonna get with this.

Wowzers... this is pretty slick.I like how you can work on a big canvas.This would probably take me forever to do.
Sexy as always!
Pretty late, but in regards to the Chuunin Exam area hands - wouldn't it make more sense for the ring and pinky fingers to be on top of the other hand, not somehow in-between the middle and ring fingers?

I've got really skinny fingers, and trying to do that is awkward. Can't imagine someone with regular fingers doing it. lol
I did the hand sign perfectly lol. And I have skinny fingers.
Damn , looks sexy.
Those turfs are really slick, especially the buildings. My only complaint is that on the street I can see the edges where it starts to repeat.
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