I iconned these buttons things, or GUI's as you may know, for jutsu. I don't know how, or where to start coding them in! Any help would be good :) Like when you click them, you do the jutsu
In response to Masschaos100
I don't want it to be on the map thought, I want them in teh inventory, like you know how GOA you get stuff and it shows a picture in your inventory, something like that but instead you can use a jutsu by clicking it.
In response to Chaorace
In response to Garthor
So like

icon = 'JutsuButtons.dmi'
icon_state = "Fire"

Im pretty sure that what I did is not how it goes lol. But the move is a technique so I would do maybe?

icon = 'JutsuButtons.dmi'
icon_state = "Fire"

Or something like that? Bet you both of those are wrong D;

In response to Chaorace
I did something like this once in an easier way, at least for me, to understand. Was a long time ago and I don't have the file any more but i'll try to be as accurate as possible. Make the jutsu into an obj. Make a tab like the inventory for these jutsu. Then use the Click() proc to activate the jutsu. I don't remember if I coded the jutsu into the click or made a proc for the jutsu, probably the first one. I did this when I was just starting out so, thats why I mentioned the second one...
In response to IrunoHatake
The jutsu are already coded in, I jsut want them assigned to a like a Icon to click, like hmmm... GOA has them there's GUI's i want to be able to click one of those then bam the jutsu does what it does.
In response to Chaorace
You could do
FireT//The Fire Technique
tag = "Fire Technique"//So the System knows something about it
icon = 'Techniques.dmi'//The Icon File
icon_state = "Fire"//Make it this icon
Click()//When you click it
usr<<"You just created Fire!"//This gets outputted
//Whatever the hell you wanna do here...
return //I like to call this when I think everythings done :D
mob//a Mob...Person...Human, w.e
proc //Not explaining
Learn_A_Random_Jutsu()//Not Explaining
if(src.Level == 2)//If the Humans level is 2
for(var/obj/Techniques/O in src.Techniques)//if the system found a Technique(Just give the human atleast 1 Technique to begin with...Attack?
if(O.tag == "Fire Technique")//If the tag value is found "Fire Technique"
return //Stop, Dont want the human to learn it Twice O.o
else//If it isn't found
var/T = new/obj/Techniques/FireT//Create a new Skill
src.Techniques += T//Give it to the Huaman
src<<"You have learned how to create Fire!"//Output this
return //End
list/Techniques = list()//Do not remove >_<
statpanel("Techniques")//Create a Statpanel named, Techniques
stat("[usr.Techniques]")//In the Techniques tab, output the humans Techniques
usr.Learn_A_Random_Jutsu()//Call the thing

Well, make sure to read my comments, Explains...enough I think...If I did something wrong, please comment!
I'm not so sure if this works, anyways xD Don't be a troll and say "You suck, Just stop programming, you'll never get anywhere in your life", Please, I don't give a crap
In response to Kenny84
statpanel("Techniques")//Create a Statpanel named, Techniques
stat("[usr.Techniques]")//In the Techniques tab, output the humans Techniques
usr.Learn_A_Random_Jutsu()//Call the thing

in there can I put a a Symbol next to the jutsu like a GUI, this is really confusing for me >_<
In response to Chaorace
Why put a symbol? it's already going to be outputting an icon :P
In response to Kenny84
I don't think you get what I meant tho. You played GOA before right? You know how when you start you get some shurikens etc, but they're like in a picture format in your inventory, I want something like that but with Techniques example:, but instead of toss, I want it to be use, and like it will use the technique.
In response to Chaorace
FireT//The Fire Technique
tag = "Fire Technique"//So the System knows something about it
icon = 'Techniques.dmi'//The Icon File
icon_state = "Fire"//Make it this icon
verb/Use()//When you press use :P
set src in oview(1)
//Do whatever
return //
In response to Chaorace
im pretty sure that picture is showing a grid, not a statpanel >->
In response to Masschaos100
XD got confused I guess. But anyways, how would I attempt this with a grid?
In response to Chaorace
Read this. DreamMakers?command=view_post&post=33582 DreamMakers?command=view_post&post=33980

At there you can tamper with goa skin to see how it works.
main left side child
default_left_pane left bottom child
stats_pane inventory_grid