I'm currently working on a multiplayer game that I intend on making single-player. My question is simple. Is it possible to create another hud for the game were you can access your save from the single=player game and interact with others? A battle arena if you will. Is that possible and if it is, how should I go about making it work? Thanks.
I think the easiest thing for you to do would be to have two different worlds.
In response to Darkjohn66
Right, but I want the save file to be able to transfer from the single-player world to the multiplayer world.
In response to DisturbedSixx
The only way I can think of is having client-side saving for the offline account.
In response to GhostAnime
On client-side saving, where exactly does the file save? Is it on the person who hosts the world? And how can I change where it saves?
In response to DisturbedSixx
If I recall correctly, it is stored in the client's cache folder (or some other directory), hence the name client-side saving.

To do this instead of having a server-side saving, look up client/Export() + Import().

I recommend server-side saving the offline profile after it has been connected to an online server (which is doable by checking if the person has the same IP/key as the world and having a variable set to true whenever it accesses an online world... or an option to client-side save the offline before the person goes online + an option to save the client-side savefile to the server...)