(See the best response by Nadrew.)
Is it ?
What exactly do you mean, change BYOND's guest key?
Best response
The guest key is tied to your specific computer identification, it cannot be changed easily.
WRidi said:
Is there any way to change byond's guest key ?

Is it ?

Is it what?

Seriously though, why are you interested in doing this in the first place?
Formated my pc a week ago and the guest key was the same o-o .
It's based on the hardware configuration of your machine. Beyond that, I don't feel like this is something that should be discussed openly on the forums because describing the process of changing your computer_id assists people in bypassing sticky bans.

We'll leave this one at: If you need to do this, odds are you shouldn't have done whatever it is you did that caused you to want to change this.
Nah was just curious e.e
Use a different PC, you have a different guest key...other than can't really do anything.

There shouldn't really be any reason to want to change it, unless you play as guest a lot, upgraded your PC, with a new video card, etc... and now you "lost" your character basically because your guest key changed.

In the other scenario, it's always best to simply use a normal BYOND key, and having signed up and login to that to play than worry about potentially losing your progress.