Hello, i am working on a game and have problems making something.

*extract element*

- 4.1 when you extract your element you can choose how much energy you want to put in it each point energy is the same as 1 second and each second the element loses some of it's power thew dame is equal to the ammount of energy in it - the seconds that it has been out. and you can drag&drop the extracted element.

- 4.2 you can choose 3 things in the menu when you click on it(on the extracted element):

- 4.2.1 density toggle, if you make it dense it can damage things when it's undense it will just pass trough it

- 4.2.2 manipulate ground, it will change the tiles to your element so it will damge the people that are standing on it.

- 4.2.3 cancel, it closes the menu

- 4.4 Teleport, this makes the user teleport to the location of the extracted element.

Anyone know how to do this? i would really appriciate all help.
best regards

Are you asking us to code something for you?
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
Im sorry, you must have got the wrong idea about this forum, this is not a code request forum. Anyways, no im not asking anyone to code it for me, if you want to then sure go ahead.

My topic is "How to do this?", which should suggest me asking how to make this happen, how to achive these results, how to go about coding this. Also, me posting in the "Developer How To" section suggest i do not know how to make this and seek guidance, which the description of this section suggest is perfecly okay. "not sure how to do something? ask here!"

So does anyone in here know how i can do this ?
In response to Narutostory
Step 1) Elaborate on your ideas in GENERAL terms. Things like "each second the element loses some of it's power thew dame is equal to the ammount of energy in it" make NO DAMN SENSE and nobody's going to be able to tell you how to do it.
Step 2) Elaborate again because you didn't do it well enough in the first step. No, seriously. I can see into the future.
Step 3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you no longer need help.

Yes, I'm being glib. No, that in no way invalidates my advice.
In response to Garthor
lets see. the part where my writing gets fuzzy..

Extract element - Creates an "element" icon. upon creation, you get the question "how much energy do you want to put in it". in numbers, each point (amount of number) equals to oone second. the amount of damage your extracted element does when it is dense and hits an object or mob. is equal to the remaining amount of energy in the extracted element, which reduces every second.

REALLY this should be understandable.

switch(input("How much energy do you want to put in it?" as num)
0.time = num
create? += new/obj/element
icon = 'someicon.dmi'
Switch(input("what do you do?" as text) in list("Density","Manipulate","Cancel"))
if(src.density != 1)
src.density = 1
src.density = 0
//god knows what
var/damage = O.time ?
M.hp -= damage
oview << output("[M] takes [damage]","SM")

O.time -= 1
if(O.time <= 0)

1. In my own defense, im no pro. and am at school and do not have byond available, so i cant look up to get the correct definitions hence some wierd stuff that probably makes no sense.
2. This is just roughly what i can think of myself based on the ideas.
3. Am i really that good of a programmer? that no one else is able to do something like this?
4. Prove me wrong. Really if you do not have the time or knowledge to help me, try sharing what your thoughts are, other than "You are trying to get others to do the work for you" and "no one understands that, elaborate" well telling me to elaborate is quite allright i can understand that. but lets not start a war here. Im asking for help, nothing more. tell me what to read on.

TRY HELPING ;) and if you want me to elaborate, tell me, no need to be all high and shiny like gathor, but he's just a kid, we'll forgive him. :)
In response to Narutostory
Reread Garthor's post, he said repeat the steps constantly till you don't need help.
In response to Megelic
such a nice community this is, where everyone helps everyone :D

COME ON! here i have said that i need help, more than just gathors advice, and yet another "smartass" comes along with something less than helpfull.


i wonder if people will be able to read this or if i should make it even bigger.

clearly megelic does not know anything about programming, which is why he had to resolve in such a snob comment. Sorry but its annoying how people spam others who are seeking help with ironic and none helpfull things. NOTE: just so we do not get another "smartass" here, I have not said that someone has commented in a ironic fashion.

Now have i rid myself of mistakes in this post? cause if not i will get another smartass finding something to point out, god bless all the spare time some people have.

anyways, from now on, unless you have something to contribute with that might help, PLEASE Do NOT REPLY, just let the topic die if you do not know how to help me. instead of comming with your useless comments.

oh i guess the next i get is "no one will help you when you talk like that" or something in that fashion. oh btw. im not inviting anyone to agree or disagree with this, so please do NOT REPLY unless you have something ontopic to say about my problem and how i can solve it. thx .
In response to Narutostory
<font size=+1>I understand what you want, but it's such an easy concept that they cannot believe you're really asking what you're asking.</font>

Override the "element"'s New() proc with an argument to pass on its "duration" (how long it will live for). Then spawn off a loop, within the New() proc, to count down to 0 before it del() itself.
In response to Spunky_Girl
Spunky_Girl wrote:
I understand what you want

Lucky you. I for sure didn't understand what he intended to do, but since he is sure he explained it well enough and would just see me as 'bashing' him 'like Garthor', I didn't bother replying to try and help him.

@Original Poser:
I'd gladly help and contribute to the problem at hand with actual advice, however I do not manage to understand what you intend to do. Thus, I can not give advice.
This is not meant as offence, nor is it a lack of 'programming skill' (same as with Garthor).
In response to Schnitzelnagler
but this is good, the fact that you didn't reply that is ;).

Spunky_Girl. - thanks :D

the rest - I'll do my best to surve it with a silver spoon next time ^^

also as a note, i never intend to offend anyone so for those who might have been. soo sorry.
In response to Narutostory
Narutostory wrote:
I'll do my best to surve it with a silver spoon next time

I dare say that proper, structured English and a detailed logic description would already be enough ;)
That way anyone but you and Spunky_Girl might actually even be able to understand what you have in mind and provide constructive feedback (which is impossible as of right now).

Narutostory wrote:
i never intend to offend anyone so for those who might have been.

No offence intended either.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
I know you're older than me, but I don't know how long you've had to deal with a wide array of people like I have. So I'm used to reading all sorts of messed up "english". I read him like I was trying to read a sentence written in spanish: pick out key words and put the rest of it together through context clues.
In response to Spunky_Girl
Spunky_Girl wrote:
I read him like I was trying to read a sentence written in spanish: pick out key words and put the rest of it together through context clues.

I don't have trouble with assumption and guessing, but with the potential problems that may arise.
Thus, I try not to assume or guess when it comes down to programming.