Why whenever 1 runtime error happens a game there a way to ignore them....since they don't really effect anything cept a crash?

Edit : Heres What happens :

BYOND hub reports port 1839 can be reached by players.
Tue Aug 25 12:15:19 2009
Shutting down after encountering too many critical errors.

Theres never a error when i play in singleplayer x_x
Destrojer wrote:
Why whenever 1 runtime error happens a game crashes(...)
Shutting down after encountering too many critical errors.

This is hardly one error, but rather hundreds of them.
You should by any means try to fix errors, instead of just ignoring them.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
How? won't tell me the error and in singleplayer i can't find them
In response to Destrojer
Searching for Shutting down after encountering too many critical errors returns some rather useful links (as is normally the case with any search, including the forum search).

Compile your game in 'debug mode'
In response to Destrojer
Hm, did you by any chance disabled the world.loop_check?
In response to GhostAnime
it's not defined anywhere

Edit : Can the crash be caused due to a huge code with a switch or a big code with if-s only?

Edit2 : I mean i was checking what everyone was doing and i defined debug....but runtime error.

Edit3 : Wow...once again....could this do damage? : src:evolve()
In response to Destrojer
In response to Destrojer
Destrojer wrote:
it's not defined anywhere

That's good, that means it's not a loop problem... maybe...

Edit : Can the crash be caused due to a huge code with a switch or a big code with if-s only?

Only if you are accessing the information wrong

Edit2 : I mean i was checking what everyone was doing and i defined debug....but runtime error.

Do you by any chance have world.log defined as a file(), meaning it stores all warning in the said file (making sure)?
Edit3 : Wow...once again....could this do damage? : src:evolve()

Yes it can. If src does not have the procedure evolve(), that is going to give you an undefined procedure (or something similar) error.

You should typecast things:

// if src (lets say /mob) does not have the proc but a child of it does (ex: /mob/pokemon/proc/evolve()), then you need to typecast:
if(istype(src, /mob/pokemon))
var/mob/pokemon/P = src
In response to GhostAnime
Note that typecasting src is absolutely boneheaded. src already has the type that src has. If src.something() doesn't work, then changing it to src:something() or typecasting won't work, because src doesn't have something().

The only case in which it'd work is if you did something the wrong way, like this:

if(istype(src, /mob/player))


Which is wrong. This would be correct:



Silly example, but meh.
In response to GhostAnime
Wow...thx the world.log is just to hunt them all ^^ (usually i just fixed the errors that appear on my chat box).