(See the best response by Ter13.)

mob/verb/set_icon(I as icon|anything in view())
icon = I

Hello! I'm very new to programming. Sorry if this was a dumb and pointless post.

In chapter 4 section 10 of The Blue Book it says,
"The anything input type allows you to combine other input types with items from a list. Its purpose is to make clear the fact that the constant input types are in addition to whatever may be in the object list.

The following example allows you to change your icon, with the option of selecting the icon from a file or from any other object in view."

I thought this meant a box would appear letting me choose between selecting an icon from my files or in view.

However, I only get a box showing the icons in view... and for some reason a single quote, which when I click on gives me an error in the chat box.

So is this code working as intended and I just read it incorrectly? I don't think I put it in Dream Maker incorrectly. I typed it in myself then copied and pasted, then copied and pasted somewhere else, then typed it myself again in another spot.

Best response
the anything or null filters simply change what the selection is processed as. It doesn't change the location of the filter, which in your case is in view().

It is in fact, working as intended. That single quote though, I have no idea what's causing that.
I think it is working as intended (although I do find that behavior strange as well).

Edit: Ter did it again.