I'm trying to make a for loop that is supposed to loop through all the clients in the world, but it's simply not finding any clients at all, and I've tried a bunch of things.

for(var/client/Player in world) ?
clients are not considered part of the world. The loop should just be

In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
clients are not considered part of the world. The loop should just be


bizarre, so what list are the clients in?
In response to Obs
Clients are not kept track of like you are thinking but mobs are. Search the world for all then you can filter all mobs with a client. I'd go into more detail but I'm posting from my cell phone.
In response to Jholder84
You don't need to do that because for(var/client/C) works, just like I said.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
You don't need to do that because for(var/client/C) works, just like I said.

Yes, searching the world is definately not viable when you have thousands of mobs.