Keywords: byond, isometric, layers
(See the best response by DarkCampainger.)
Been awhile, decided to play around with BYOND and see where it takes me. I am messing with the BYOND isometric mode.

Problem description:

I have a shop counter turf that's broken up into pieces.

Things for sale in the shop are placed on the counter. Icons that extend too far get overlapped from a corner of another part of the counter.

So far the only way I've managed to get this look correct is using the EFFECTS_LAYER, but then if a player were to walk over an item, instead of walking over it, it'd float above them.

I tried doing like layer = TURF_LAYER + 1 to avoid the counter overlapping issue, doesn't help.

Anyway I can fix this or is it one of the effects of BYOND isometric?

Best response
It's been a while since I've played with the isometric mode, but I can suggest a few things to try.

How are you placing them on top of the counter? Are you using pixel_z?

Also, are you sure your counter icons are properly sized to BYOND's expected isometric tile? In the icon editor, you can use the menu's Icon > "Create isometric tile" to generate the expected tile size.