(See the best response by FKI.)

Eyes // Define a couple of description variables, for the tutorial's sake.
choices // This defines the type of mobs that you can choose.
icon = 'base.dmi' /* All of the following mobs will have this icon. No need to do it multiple
times, so I just define it at the base.*/

Boy // More choices. You can change these to your desire.
Look_at(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) // Make the 'Look at' verb require an arguement of a mob who is one space away from you.
src << "You look at [M]."
src << "[M] has [M.Eyes] eyes, and [M.Hair] hair." // Display the target mob's variables to whoever used the verb.

login_mob // This is the login mob.
Login() // Now is when the fun begins. This is the Login() proc that is called when login_mob logs in.
var/mob_path = "mob/choices/" // This is where we define the path for the race selections.
var/choice = input("Please select a skintone") in list ("White","Tan","Dark"," ") // Defines the variable 'choice' to what they choose.
mob_path += choice // Add their choice to mob_path, making it the mob they want.
var/mob/choices/new_mob = new(mob_path) // This creates the mob of choice, and defines the reference as 'new_mob'
new_mob.icon_state = choice // Appoint the correct icon state to it.
new_mob.Eyes = input("Please select your eye color.") in list ("Blue","Green") // This, as you've probably figured out, sets new_mob's Eyes variable, to the selection made.
new_mob.Hair = input("Please select your hairstyle.") in list ("Black","Blonde") // This does the same as above, but with their Hair variable. = input("Please select a name.") as text // This will prompt the user to select a name for the new mob.
src.client.mob = new_mob // This sets the person who logged in's mob to new_mob, making them the mob they've just customized.
del(src) // No need for the emp

turf/grass/icon = 'grass.dmi' // Defines a grass turf.

mob = /mob/login_mob // This define the mob that the users are set to, when they first log in.
turf = /turf/grass // Define the default turf for the world.

Problem description:

For some reason when i select a hairstyle/color, when i spawn into the game theres nothing there, as in, the hair icon i used does not appear in game
Best response
That's not setting the mob's hair to an icon, but to a string.
? how can i set it to an icon?
In response to RicoTheCreator
I think you need to read the first seven (at least) chapters of the guide.

We're here to lead you in the right direction, not give you the answers. All of your recent topics would have solved themselves if you read, or at least skimmed, the guide. Really pay attention to the guide, don't just look or emptily read it.

You want to make a game like Naruto GOA? Well, coming from a developer of said game, you need to take action and help yourself. Strive to learn more and do things yourself, don't just instantly come to this forum and ask for help when you get stuck. I'm not saying don't use this forum, I'm saying show some effort.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
alright thanks