Keywords: chain, help, please
(See the best response by Ter13.)
Hi guys I am making a weapon of a Sickle with a chain. One of the attacks is the sickle going forward or other directions and like the chain of it following the path. How do I make it so that it has the chain sorta following with it and coming back without it looking cheesy, but clean and realistic.
Why not give it a shot first, and then ask for help with any problems you have here?
Thing is I do not know exactly how to start it, I mean I have the icons and I tried using the knowledge I have to make it, but I got nowhere so i came here to see if anyone could help. Id show the code, but I made such a mess with the words and got so frustrated that I just deleted it and decided to try again \/
Best response
Unfortunately, that's just a sign you need to review the guide and come back here with any specific questions.

"How do I do specific thing that looks and feels just how I want it?" Isn't the purpose of this forum. General questions about specific needs don't get answered, specific questions about general needs do.
Ok sorry I asked