(See the best response by TornadoJester.)
So I am trying to make a title screen and it seems to always be to big or too small, I want my world view to be 2 so you see the player mob close up. but I can only center my image for the title by using a view = 8. can I change the world view? it keeps telling me its a constant var and can't be changed.

This sends the player to the title screen.
usr.loc = locate(11,14,1)

When they click anywhere on the title image it sends them to the first map where you start, however the world view is to much and you look like an ant lol.

icon = 'title.dmi'
icon_state = "start"
density = 0
usr.loc = locate(5,5,2)
usr.icon_state = "player"

TLDR:Can I change the world view on a whim if needed.

Thanks a million, I suck at huds and titles etc so its been a nightmare lol
Best response
You can change the view of a client:


x can be -1 to 34 or "WIDTHxHEIGHT", -1 disables map view.
icon = 'title.dmi'
icon_state = "start"
density = 0
usr.loc = locate(5,5,2)
usr.icon_state = "player"
client.view = 2

This doesn't seem to effect it sadly, it still is at world view 8 which makes everything far away. should I be using client.view in the first place and not using world view at all?

Why don't you just change the world.view?
In my first post I had mentioned, it says that it is a constant var and won't change :P so is there a workaround for that?
Out of curiosity, why don't you use a HUD for your title screen elements? Saying "I suck at huds" is not a valid reason, because you can always learn from various resources here and ask for further help.

Using a map location for your title screen can and will cause problems that are avoided entirely by using a HUD based title screen. Trust me from my experience in working on an older game in which the original creator used a map location for this.

1. It's a complete and total waste of map space.

2. You'll spend more time preventing players from accessing the title screen that aren't supposed to than by properly implementing one based on a HUD where you have explicit control over who sees and does not see it.

3. If you have any aspect of saving or loading characters, players will find a way to abuse this in order to manipulate their save files, duplicate items, etc.

4. Any other reason I'm not directly thinking of right now. Just don't do it for sanity's sake.
great points lol I actually have messed with HUDs alot and cant ever get them working its a weak point I'd love to fix. perhaps if you know of a tutorial on them? the reference has only gotten me so far lol
Amen, TLR. To be honest, making a HUD is one thing I don't really have a clue how to do, and I think that I need to look into it myself.
Glad I'm not the only one :) I've searched the forums but all I find is people saying search the forums lol
That could be blessedly useful. Thank you!